Mobilities and infrastructures

some interpretative paths

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  • Bianca Freire-Medeiros Universidade de São Paulo
  • Alexandre Magalhães Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Palloma Menezes Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



urban sociology, materialities, flows, socio-spatial inequalities, cities


Since the early 2000s, the discourse surrounding urban inequalities and conflicts has been heavily influenced by two key analytical perspectives: mobilities and infrastructures. In this dossier, to which this introductory text refers, we aim to explore the intersections and interpretive overlaps between these two, viewing mobilities and infrastructures as inherently intertwined and mutually reinforcing. What occurs when we shift the spotlight onto the mobility aspect and consider infrastructures as inherently dynamic? Conversely, what transpires when we perceive mobilities as inherently grounded in space and dependent upon infrastructures that can either sustain, accelerate, or disrupt these flows? In the collection of five articles and the accompanying interview that compose the dossier, these questions lead us on a journey through diverse empirical contexts in both Brazil and Portugal, as well as inspiring methodological and conceptual experiments.


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How to Cite

Freire-Medeiros, B., Magalhães, A., & Menezes, P. (2023). Mobilities and infrastructures: some interpretative paths. Brazilian Journal of Sociology, 11(28), 5–23.