Youth and environmental policies: the perception and the dis- courses of Brazilians young

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  • Antonio Teixeira de Barros Master's Program in Political Science at the Training Center of the Chamber of Deputies, Brazil



This article analyzes the perceptions and discourses of Brazilian young people about environmental policies today, based on a questionnaire with open and closed ques- tions. The emphasis is on the open answers, which present the justifications of the respondents for the questions posed. The theoretical support uses contributions from environmental sociology and the sociology of youth.The main conclusions indicate that the respondents’ perception is predominantly pessimistic, believing that Brazil is regressing in its environmental policies. As for the elected authorities that act or have already been active in the defense of the environment, young people especially recognize councilors, mayors and state deputies, which demonstrates the primacy of local politics in the perception of youth.More than giving speeches, young people at- tach importance to the participation of public agents in the qualified environmental debate with a view to proposing changes or improvements in environmental policies.


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Author Biography

Antonio Teixeira de Barros, Master's Program in Political Science at the Training Center of the Chamber of Deputies, Brazil

Ph.D in Sociology. Professor at Master's Program in Political Science at the Training Center of the Chamber of Deputies.



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How to Cite

Barros, A. T. de. (2019). Youth and environmental policies: the perception and the dis- courses of Brazilians young. Brazilian Journal of Sociology, 8(18).



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