Nursing in Brazil

a sociological perspective on a successful journey (1920-1950)

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  • Luiz Antonio de Castro-Santos UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO SUL DA BAHIA
  • Luiz Antonio de Castro-Santos Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia


Palabras clave:

nursing, sociology of professions, hospital model, public health nursing, psychiatric nursing


The article analyses the institutionalization of the nursing profession, by reviewing its historical backgrounds, highlighting the role of the engagement and association between those who propagated new principles and practices for caring, and the professional models that prevailed at different times. It reveals how the professional, cultural and political environment, and especially the degree of State intervention, were jointly responsible for shaping the standards for professional development and labor in each country or region. And then examines the development of the profession in Brazil.


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Biografía del autor/a


Sociólogo. Master of Sciences (Harvard School of Public Health, 1974) e PhD em Sociologia (Harvard University, 1987). Docente Permanente (Colaborador) do Mestrado Profissional em Saúde da Família, PROFSAÚDE/MPSF/UFSB/CAPES, Centro de Formação em Ciências da Saúde, UFSB. Professor Visitante Sênior da Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia, campus de Porto Seguro.


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Cómo citar

Castro-Santos, L. A. de, & Castro-Santos, L. A. de. (2022). Nursing in Brazil: a sociological perspective on a successful journey (1920-1950). Revista Brasileña De Sociología, 10(24), 87–111.