Can fab labs be an infrastructure for a geographically distributed social movement?
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Social Movements, Collective action, Technology, Fab Lab, Sociology of TechnologyAbstract
The following text has as its central problem the relationship between social movements and technology. In the first part, I present a brief history of the emergence of fab labs and the creation of global networks of this movement, as well as its principles and objectives. It then comes into debate how a tense relationship between technology and collective action came about, in which, as a rule, people organized themselves collectively to resist the effects of some new technology, even though this is not the only possible relationship between technology and collective action. Finally, the question arises of thinking about the impact of technical infrastructures on the forms of organization and approach to social struggles, especially when these technical infrastructures are the result of public inclusive policies promoted by the State, something that is rather uncommon in the origin of collective actions.
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