Travel, technology, and hybrid mobilities

Interview with Jennie Germann Molz

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In this interview, Germann Molz emphasized the idea that we must go beyond a moralistic view of technology. If we want to understand how people, places, mobile technologies, and digital or hybrid environments are intertwined, we need to change or adjust our analytical lenses. Rather than subscribing to technological determinism, she advocates for the concept of affordances.


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Author Biography

Jennie Germann Molz, College of the Holy Cross

Jennie Germann Molz is a Professor of Sociology. She received her PhD in Sociology from Lancaster University in England where she subsequently held a postdoctoral research fellowship in the Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe).


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How to Cite

Arrais, A. ., Machado, A. C. P., Lages, M. P., & Molz, J. G. (2023). Travel, technology, and hybrid mobilities: Interview with Jennie Germann Molz. Brazilian Journal of Sociology, 11(28), 179–202.