The paneleiras of goiabeiras velha a discursive analysis of the process of construction of the territory of tradition

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  • Marcelo de Souza Marques Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul



Object of several researches, the “art of make clay pans” in the region of Goiabeiras, Vitória-ES, is a important element of capixaba culture. However, some questions still needed greater problematization. In this sense, the present article aims understands the process of discursive construction of the Territory of Tradition, that is, Goiabei- ras-Velha. The methodology consisted in a qualitative study, having as main me- thodological instrument the in-depth interview technique. The results demonstrate that the construction of this territory is related with a discursive process of empty of physical space of Goiabeiras region, includes an area beyond the neighborhood of Goiabeiras


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Author Biography

Marcelo de Souza Marques, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Ms. in Political Science. PhD candidate in Sociology Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Marques, M. de S. (2019). The paneleiras of goiabeiras velha a discursive analysis of the process of construction of the territory of tradition. Brazilian Journal of Sociology, 8(18).



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