Algorithms and social temporality
An analysis of the permanence, transformation and reconfiguration of working hours in on demand platforms in Argentina
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platform work, working hours, work intensification, availabilityAbstract
Time can be considered as the core of the capital-work relationship and the perspective trough which inequality and asymmetry can be analyzed within this power relationship. The relationship between time and work is presented as a struggle to get the control of a worker’s time. In this perspective, in this article we analyze what is known as working hours – that is to say, the way in which companies use and organize workers’ time within certain productive process – in on demand working platforms in Argentina by considering its four dimensions: the establishment of working hours, duration, distribution and intensity. Findings suggest that working hours in on demand platforms entails the deepening of longer-term processes, the emergence of new tendencies and the reintroduction of arrangements of the early phases of capitalism.
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