"Hate speech" and the production of social chaos
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digital media, hate speech, Damares Alves, human rights, emotionsAbstract
In this article I propose a reflection on three YouTube videos where Damares Alves speaks between 2016 and 2021. In the first, focused on child protection, the then clergywoman denounces books and films that are “inappropriate” for children. The second and third, then as Minister in the Bolsonaro government, she is interviewed by, respectively, the journalist Leda Nagle and Karina Gomes, from the UN Permanent Commission in Geneva. The period chosen is strategic, because it allows us to see how discourses about the family and human rights have taken the public scene in the Bolsonaro government, activating emotions permeated by hate speech, a term that has become commonplace in institutionalized media and social networks, but which retains its analytical relevance.
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