Varieties of capitalism in the BRICS:

an agrifood perspective

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BRICS, varieties of capitalism, food regime, agrifood question, comparative institutional analysis


Since the 2000s, there has been a diffusion of the Comparative Capitalism (CC) research programme, involving three generations of interdisciplinary studies in the fields of political economy and economic sociology on Varieties of Capitalism (VoC). With an almost exclusive focus on developed countries in the first two generations, in its third generation CC studies started to focus on developing countries as well, especially emerging countries, such as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). However, despite the fact that the leading comparative scholars in social sciences have always been concerned with the agrarian question in the great transformations that gave rise to and defined the directions of the modern world, there is a notable absence of agricultural, rural and food issues in CC studies. In order to overcome part of this gap, the article explores the place of the “agrifood question” in the BRICS’ varieties of capitalism and the role played by these countries in the reordering of the “international food regime”.


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Author Biography

Fabiano Escher, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)

Departamento de Ciências Sociais em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade (DDAS), Professor de Sociologia Econômica e Economia Política Internacional


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How to Cite

Escher, F. (2021). Varieties of capitalism in the BRICS:: an agrifood perspective. Brazilian Journal of Sociology, 9(22), 75–110.