Dream sculptors, body coaches
“Wellness”, health and neoliberal aesthetics on Instagram
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wellness, health, neoliberal aesthetics, self-management, InstagramAbstract
Neoliberal rationality, with its norms and ethos, has had significant effects on the behaviors and mentalities of individuals, grounding its perspective of social life on market logics and an entrepreneurial ideal of the subject. Among the domains affected by this paradigm is that of health, which is influenced by self-management and self-improvement discourses. This article proposes to analyze the impacts of neoliberal culture on the conceptions of health and wellness, focusing on the ways texts, videos and images are produced on Instagram’s profiles of professionals specialized in aesthetics transformation. Through the observation of these profiles, we seek to examine the discourses related to the categories of health, body, self-care, and wellness, considering their relevance as resources in personal management and worship of performance.
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